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Client Communications

blue skies hat hanging from orange suitcase

How to Keep Your Real Estate Business Running Smoothly While On Vacation

For other members of your family, summer may be a great time to take some vacation days, soak up the sun, spend time with the kids, or get…

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auction gavel with model size house behind it

CRES Risk Management Webinar: The Dangers of Unrepresented Buyers

In this webinar, Dave Miller, Regional Vice President with Fidelity National Home Warranty, and Kathryn Holbert, a Nevada-based real estate attorney, talk about the challenges of working with…

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real estate law book and gavel

The Most Common Things Real Estate Licensees Say That Could Cause You a Lawsuit

As a real estate broker, you can be held responsible for the things your licensees say. If they say the wrong thing to a client or prospect, you…

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shaking hands over house

Dealing with Real Estate Clients Whose First Language Isn’t English

As a real estate licensee, you will likely encounter clients whose first language isn’t English. Working with a diverse range of clients is positive for your business, but…

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woman holding house man signing

Selling Homes in a High Interest Rate Climate

Are you noticing a slowdown in your market due to the higher interest rates? The increased cost of borrowing can deter potential homebuyers from entering the market,and higher…

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houses in a row

How to Communicate with Clients in a Declining Market

Real estate licensees are resilient in any economic climate. Optimism is a strength. However, when it comes to describing conditions in a declining market, licensees need to be…

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Facebook Ads and Posts for Real Estate Professionals and How to Avoid Discrimination

With more than 2.9 billion monthly active users on Facebook, it’s not surprising that it’s a popular place to promote real estate. As with all advertising, real estate…

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tree with private property sign

Talking About Zoning with Buyers — Risks and Tips for Real Estate Licensees

Real estate licensees need to act with caution when it comes to talking about zoning with prospective buyers. What may seem like a casual chat can lead to…

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womans hand holding phone with coffee on table

4 Latest Text Scams in Real Estate and How To Prevent Serious Consequences

Scammers are using sophisticated ways to try and get money from unsuspecting businesses and individuals. Text scam messages are one of the methods that scammers use to try…

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two figures playing telephone blue and red cup

How Using ‘Jargon’ in Your Real Estate Business Can Lead to a Lawsuit

Whether you’re assisting a real estate seller or a buyer, your communication skills can create a positive experience or a negative experience for your client. Clear communication is…

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3 people in empty room - showing

“Steering” in Real Estate: How to avoid it and stop lawsuits in their tracks

Steering is a method of discrimination in real estate. It happens when a real estate licensee influences a buyer or prospective tenant’s choice of housing because of their…

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house equity

What Real Estate Licensees Need to Know to Ensure Compliance with the New Equality Act

In June 2022, The White House announced that President Biden continues to call on the Senate to pass the Equality Act. The legislation, if passed, will provide long…

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meeting virtual tour

Dealing with Real Estate Clients Who Have a Mental Illness

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), one in five adults living in the United States lives with a mental illness. This includes more common issues…

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Finger Pointing Law

How Accidentally Saying the Wrong Thing Can Lead to a Real Estate Lawsuit

Accuracy matters in real estate. A licensee can accidentally say the wrong thing and cause a lawsuit. Here are some things to watch out for to avoid a…

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man in suit pointing finger at camera

How to Avoid Real Estate E&O Claims Responsibly and Eliminate Finger-Pointing

As a real estate professional, you always want to come across as knowledgeable and helpful to your clients. However, you could find yourself facing a lawsuit if you…

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hand holding house concept image with qualified opportunity zones text overlaid on a cityscape

Selling Real Estate in ‘Qualified Opportunity Zones’ — Tips and Risks

The Qualified Opportunity Zones Program was introduced with the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The program aims to boost economic growth to disadvantaged and ‘economically distressed’ communities.…

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magnifying glass highlighting people from a group of shaded figures

8 Ways Your Real Estate Agents Can Improve the Customer Service Experience for Home Sales

As a real estate broker, it’s important to keep your team motivated to provide exceptional customer service to your clients. COVID-19 has brought some unexpected challenges this year,…

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condo complex with palm trees and sunset

Know the Risks of Selling Real Estate Property in an Unfamiliar Area

Clients choose a real estate agent based on a number of factors, but one is their knowledge of the area. If you're selling property in an unfamiliar area,…

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man at laptop holding smartphone

How to Avoid Misinterpretations When Working Remotely With Real Estate Clients

The current pandemic has increased the physical distance between all of us to ensure public safety. There are also various state orders that govern social distancing, stay-at-home orders…

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professional man and woman business meeting

Why You Shouldn’t Exceed Your Scope of Work — A Guide for Real Estate Professionals

When you’re running your own real estate business, you provide great customer service as part of your business-building strategy. But doing so makes it easy for “scope creep”…

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distraught real estate agent with crutches

How to Avoid a Lawsuit When a Real Estate Agent is Injured and Unable To Work

As a real estate agent, being fit and healthy is very much a requirement to keep up with the competition. What happens when an unexpected injury or illness…

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business man providing information data to client on cell phone

Providing Information And Data To Your Clients: 6 Top Tips To Avoid A Lawsuit

In our litigious society today, real estate agents like you need to protect yourself against potential risks and lawsuits. One scenario where you face a high degree of…

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Husband and wife sitting on opposite sides of a bench facing away from each other

Representing Divorcing Sellers: What You Need to Know

When a couple decides to divorce, one thing they need to do is make a decision about their home. One option of course is to sell. If you…

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Can You Avoid Real Estate Lawsuits with Good Customer Service?

Your excellent customer service is essential in real estate. Satisfied clients stick with you, become repeat customers, and refer others to you. Dissatisfied clients, on the other hand,…

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tax forms and calculator

Why Real Estate Agents Shouldn’t Answer Tax Questions from Clients

It’s important for real estate professionals to go the extra mile for clients. But where do you draw the line? While you (of course) want to be a…

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frustrated woman at computer

How to “Fire” a Difficult Real Estate Client

Over the last several years I have seen more and more of my real estate agent clients become frustrated in their representation of sellers or buyers. Sometimes it’s…

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phone electronic communication

Real Estate Electronic Client Communication: Best Practices to Avoid E&O Claim Situations

Did you know that even a text message between you and a client can be used as defense a should a real estate E&O claim be filed against…

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woman stressed about real estate lawsuit

What To Do When Your Words Cause a Real Estate Lawsuit Risk

Misunderstandings happen. Like the time Lisa, a mortgage broker, told a buyer they were “good to go.” Lisa meant that the buyer had submitted everything she needed to…

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Man checking email on cell phone

Emails versus Texts in a Real Estate Transaction

The best way to prevent a claim or lawsuit against yourself as a licensed professional is to memorialize what was discussed in writing with your client starting with…

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Gavel and law books

The Real Estate Licensee’s Need to Confirm in Writing the Material Aspects of a Transaction

How well does a typical real estate agent know his or her client? Good question. In the vast majority of the situations when a real estate agent transacts…

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Brownfield Redevelopment Offers Liability Protection and Grant Opportunities

Guest blog written by Robert G. Westfall   The federal “Superfund” law, formally known as the Comprehensive Environmental Recovery, Compensation, and Liability Act (“CERCLA”), imposes harsh liability…

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